Press Release Laconia, NH, April 6, 2019: A group of volunteers from Lakes Region Builders & Remodelers Association helps out a local Vet by building a much-needed ramp to get easier access to his home. With the new ramp in place, coming and going becomes a lot...
On Wednesday, March 27th, GMNHBRA board members Lorinda Gilbert and Shelly Akatyszewski presented a check for $1000.00 to the NH FOOD Bank to help “BUILD MEALS” in our community. The funds were raised by GMNHBRA at the Annual Holiday Social and Silent Auction held in...
As the clock struck midnight, and we flipped the calendar from 2018 to 2019, Joe Harnois became the new president of the New Hampshire Home Builders Association, taking over for Lynette Rogers who held the post for a year-and-a-half. The ceremony took place a few...